A division of Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-a-Rua

DOES YOUR WHĀNAU WANT TO create a papakāinga on your land?

We are launching a series of FREE Workshops and Coaching Services to support whānau to complete feasibility studies required to secure funding support. Some of this training will be face-to-face and some will be online, with real case studies presented over the next 9 months.

Information night

Thursday 18 July, 5.30pm

Rangitāne o Wairarapa Inc,
12 Kokiri Place, Masterton

Register by emailing
or phone 021 422 420

Outline for Papakāinga Hui


Introductions and purpose of hui

  • TPK Overview - Contact details and copies of information

  • Extend on Whānau and whenua

  • Identify where you are at in your papakāinga journey

  • Arrange hui with individuals if required


Know your whenua

  • Māori Land Court - Contact details and copies of information

  • Using Pātaka Whenua

  • Succession

  • Ensure your whenua information is up to date

  • Local Council maps and information

  • Contact Whānau/ shareholders/ owner - have a communication plan

  • Collect information from Whānau about the whenua e.g. springs, burial sites, archaeological sites, historical maara etc.


What have other whānau done?

  • Road trip to visit other papakāinga developments in Heretaunga

  • Talk to whānau of other projects

  • Need Project Management support

  • Sheeran Associates Ltd

  • Others?


Your papakāinga plan

  • Who will be living there

  • How many whare and how big, built for purpose e.g kaumātua housing, special needs

  • Maara, communal area/s

  • Rental vs homeownership – Tenancy Agreements / Licence to Occupy


Feasibility and how much is your papakāinga going to cost?

  • Important to know what you want so it can be costed out.

  • Procurement

  • From concept plan to house design

  • What services are available in your area? Do you have whānau who can do this mahi?

  • Engage people who can create your vision.


Know your council and how their regulations may affect your project

  • Council and the district plan - Contact details and how to access information

  • Tararua District Council

  • Sth Wairarapa District Council

  • Masterton District Council


The pūtea! Now you know how much it will cost, how will your whānau finance your papakāinga?

  • Whānau $ contribution

  • TPK Funding

  • Kiwibank mortgage i.e. Kainga Whenua Loan

  • Sweat equity


Development Stage – The Build

  • Who will project manage the build

  • On-site safety and regulations

  • The cost of changes

  • Managing delays


After the build

  • Tenants / Home Owners

  • Property management

  • Housing policies

  • Insurance

  • Maintenance

  • Share your experience with other whānau

Download our Outline for Papakāinga Hui flyer

Feel free to share with whānau.

Send us your questions

Whanau are invited to submit questions or request a face-to-face meeting to discuss their queries and ideas about papakainga.

For further information email papakainga@tetahua.co.nz or use the form below to send us a message.

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